Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Starting a blog

Well, I decided to start one of these thingys. We will see if I keep it up. The Trembley's have a lot going on in 2009.

1. Marshall has a new job.

2. Tammy has gone back to school. Physical conditioning, Psychology and US History.

3. Tammy has also taken in the Upward Sports League at First Baptist Church, along with her other responsibilities.

4. Marshall is working diligently on getting the kitchen finished.

5. 3 children all involved in school activities... Evan is playing church league basketball, Carolyn is golfing, Ethan has an art show coming up. I'm excited baut that...so is he.

6. I started a women's Bible study.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that new camera takes great quality pictures.. and Tammy, you all sure do have lots of things on your plates.. busy busy..
